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Hey, you guys, this is George from Jam Oasis--I wanted to let you know how grateful I am.  The the music and vibes have been fantastic at the Jam Oasis jams, and the your generous donations (especially those recurring ones!) have put us on more solid footing.


We are going to be able to keep jamming at least through July, thanks to you!!!  Keep it up, stick with us and that footing will get more and more solid.

That's all for now. Keep on JAMMIN'!!

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Jam Sessions - Every Monday @ 7:00 PM!

1st Monday - Jam-A-Theme - at Queen Bee's
1st Monday of each month, 7:00 - 9:00 PM



Queen Bee's Art and Cultural Center, 3925 Ohio St, San Diego, CA 92104, USA

Just a block or so south of the Church.Park at the school and walk down, or park next to the venue and scan the QR code as you come in for special parking rate.



Hosted by Karen Riley and George Sanger


FREE. Suggested donation: $10.

1st Tuesday - Open Mic -ONLINE
1st Tuesday of each month, 7:00 - 8:30 PM


First Tuesday - ONLINE Open Mic

(formerly Showcase Jams)

MCCM Online

Host/Instructor - George Sanger

7:00 - 8:30 PST on the first Tuesday of each month

Zoom opens at 6:45 for optional chit-chat and check-in




PASSWORD: 8675309

Sign up to play a tune! First Come First Served!!

Instead of just leaping into the old songbook as we do at the other MCCM Monday jams, we’re giving top priority to your latest explorations:


-Original songs

-Songs you’ve worked out

-Musical things you’ve been working on


If you plan to lead a tune or two or three, it would be extra cool if you’d bring charts so folks can play along.


Even if you aren’t planning to lead a tune, bring your instrument as always, because it’s MCCM, isn’t it? And for this showcase, the audience can play along without disturbing the performer!!


And because we all need to relax, feel free to just bring a smile and open ears.




See y’all then!!!

FREE. Suggested donation: $10.

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2nd Monday - Singer/Songwriter Listening Room - at Mid-City Community Music

2nd Monday of each month, 7:00 - 8:30 PM 


4011 Ohio St. San Diego, CA 92104


Hosts: Bonnie Nicholls and George Sanger

With our chairs placed in a circle, we’ll perform in the round, making it a cozy, safe place to share your musical creations. Participants are invited to play:

-Original songs
-Covers that you’ve made into your own

Please note: This event was previously a jam. Starting in April we are transitioning to a listening room format, in which every participant plays a song without accompaniment from others.

Please keep your songs to under 5 minutes so everyone has a chance to play twice.

Also, this song circle is acoustic except for a digital piano (so if you play piano, it’s already provided). Charts are not provided or projected.

FREE. Suggested donation: $10.

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3rd Monday - Jamolele with Open Mic - at Queen Bee's


Queen Bee's Art and Cultural Center, 3925 Ohio St, San Diego, CA 92104, USA

Just a block or so south of the Church.
Park at the school and walk down, or park next to the venue and
scan the QR code as you come in for special parking rate.

We host a jam with with ukulele oriented chords and an opportunity to lead songs, try different instruments but mostly have a great time. Great for beginners or seasoned musicians. Step up to the mic with your voice and/or chosen instrument, and lead us all in one of the songs from our song set. We'll all play along and hold down the beat.


Feel free to bring your uke, guitar, banjo, rhythm instrument... a piano and cajon are available to play, too. If you'd like to lead a song we don't have, please have your chart ready as a Google Doc and send Cadence a message at least 7 days before the meetup.


Like all Mid-City Community Music jams, it's about community, and everybody playing along. Feel free to stay in your seat or try something new! There is a $5 recommended donation.


Songs are projected on a screen at the front of the room. Here is a link to our 2nd Monday Song Set => M2 Songs

FREE. Suggested donation: $10.

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3rd Monday Jam B - SDBS Bluegrass Slow Jam - at Mid-City Community Music
3rd Monday of each month, 7:00 - 8:30 PM 


4011 Ohio St. San Diego, CA 92104


Join Mary Jane Cupp and Paul Belke for the in-person San Diego Bluegrass Society jam

Fun and friendly way to learn and practice jamming skills:

  • Playing chordal backup & simple leads

  • Using a capo

  • Singing lead & harmony parts

  • Jamming etiquette

  • Learning bluegrass standards at slower tempos


If you are a beginning/intermediate guitar, banjo, mandolin, fiddle, dobro, or bass player (or even ukulele or dulcimer player!), of any age, you will enjoy learning & reviewing bluegrass jamming basics with other friendly folks!

Chords are represented as Roman Numerals, not letters.

Check out the San Diego Bluegrass Society at:

$10 Public / $5 SDBGS Members


For any questions or concerns please contact Mary Jane:



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4th Monday Jam - Classic Rock and Pop Jam - at Queen Bee's



Queen Bee's Art and Cultural Center, 3925 Ohio St, San Diego, CA 92104, USA

Just a block or so south of the Church.
Park at the school and walk down, or park next to the venue and
scan the QR code as you come in for special parking rate.

4th Monday of each month, 7:00 - 9:00 PM 

Fun and friendly jam session open to all levels. 


Charts will be displayed via projector and screen.

Hosted by Jellyfish, formerly known as Team 4 aka The MyKey Collective.


Format: First 10 songs a.k.a. First Set -Team 4 pick. After break, next 10 songs participants pick from our MCCM Songbook.


Participants who wish to lead a song have the option to lead it by themselves, or with help from the jam team.


If you have a song that’s not in our songbook, and want to play it, please email me, Michael Evans a.k.a. Mikey at with a chart in the PDF format at least a week before the jam so we might include it in the second half.


Please include your name and in the Subject Line, please reference “My Song Suggestion for MCCM 4th Monday Jam”.


The Setlist & Charts will be available online the Wednesday before the jam👀


Songs in the style of:

• Neil Young
• The Eagles
• The Beatles
• Creedence Clearwater Revival
• Elton John

FREE - $10 Sugg. Donation

Charts can be found by clicking on the folders below:

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5th Monday Wildcard Jam - at Queen Bee's
Classic Rock "and More" Jam
featuring members of George's long time LA jam group
Too Many Guitars
July 29 2024


Queen Bee's Art and Cultural Center, 3925 Ohio St, San Diego, CA 92104, USA

Just a block or so south of the Church.
Park at the school and walk down, or park next to the venue and
scan the QR code as you come in for special parking rate.

Since 1981, George has habitually jammed with his friends in LA.  A lot of water under that bridge, a lot of great vibes and history, and now some of the members of that group will join in at Queen Bees as George leads us through some of the highlights of the TMG songbook.  FUN AND GRINS GUARANTEED

FREE - $10 Sugg. Donation

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2nd and 4th Monday, 7 - 9 PM
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